We are so lucky to work in an amazing building in downtown York, PA. We share our space with a catering company & all sorts of city development suit & tie types. It is indeed nice to breeze in to work in our capris & tank tops as they are all suffering in "business attire" in the heat. I thought today maybe you would like to see a little tour of our facility.
This is the view from the entryway. First yarn you will see when you walk in the door is Astral. Not a bad way to start off your day.
Here is the view from the dyeroom looking out into the warehouse. The boxes on the shelves in the middle are full of Swizzle, Halo, Paca-Paints and a few other goodies. On the wall is the extra classic alpaca we stock.
And here is Tasha, or at least Tasha's backside, hard at work at the dye sink, in the dyeroom.
disclaimer: it was first thing in the morning, that's why you don't see any yarn in the picture; it's all either in the dyepots to the left or in the sink to the right; don't worry --- it's there!
This is the view going up the stairs to Beth's office and the office that Tasha & Angela share. To the left are the last few balls of the retired Joya, directly in front is Classic Alpaca & cones are on top of the shelves.
And this is the view from the offices looking down onto the warehouse floor.
This is a peek at the office Tasha & Angela share; the boxes are full of Paca-Peds.
And here is Beth working hard at her desk.
And last but not least, the view from my desk's to Beth's, which is usually how I see her & how we communicate throughout the day.
Hope you enjoyed the tour!